Fitting upgraded clocks with a rev counter.

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Fitting upgraded clocks with a rev counter.

Post by diggerhole »

This will be a very short guide as I'm not going to explain how to remove the clocks or how I did things. It will just cover the bits that may catch you out.
If you can't work out the other bits, then perhaps you should not attempt this.

So first thing.Image
I got my self a tiagra a petrol and corsa b diesel cluster with rev counters.
It is worth noting that petrol rev counters do not work with diesel and visa versa. However many parts are interchangeable. Hence fitting the tigra surround to get the sunken dial look.

Now to keep that milage correct you will need to clock your new odometer. This is a delicate operation as they are designed not to be clocked easily.
After you pop the front off, undo the four torx screws on the back. Do not use electric screwdrivers etc. These screws will strip the plastic easily and then you are back to square one.
CAREFULLY use a plastic tool to help lift out the odometer.
You should now have it in your hand and be looking at this part
The pin holding the green gears in place will need drifting out. Ensure you support the plastic and with a pin hammer and suitable drift it should come out easily.
Use engineering tweezers to remove the gears and spin those dials.
Now reverse to reassemble ensuring the three elrctrical pins are home properly.

Now before you install. You may want to add lamps like front fogs and trailer telltail. Find an old corsa/tigra and grab the electrical block with some wire still attached.
Add the extra pins where needed and install back in dash and off you go.

What about those "k" numbers. Well they are pulses per mile. Or if it is a "w" for cable driven then rotations per mile.
So looking at my old and new ones I can see that the k numbers are different but not so much it matters. The new one now reads about 0.5 mph slow. I used the below spreadsheet to check what error I would get.
As you can see. All is good.

Hope this help

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Re: Fitting upgraded clocks with a rev counter.

Post by johnny »

It's a top guide but you sure you want to show people how to clock there cars [emoji38]
If it doesn't fit,
force it,
If it breaks,
It needed replacing anyway :thumbs:
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Re: Fitting upgraded clocks with a rev counter.

Post by diggerhole »

It was a double edge sword. But I thought I'd at least show the gears. Plenty of how tos on YouTube for more detail. I'm just trusting people to do the right thing. ...
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Re: Fitting upgraded clocks with a rev counter.

Post by diggerhole »

I thought I should add one extra step. Do make sure you have a rev counter signal. This should be a green wire from the alternator or ecu for diesel or petrol respectively