One of the items i wanted was the factory trailer tell tail to work

This lights up when a trailer is connected and the indicators are working. Much nicer than a buzzer.
Things you need.
Dash connector from donor car for contact

New dash bulb
Uninsulated spade
Butt connection
50cm of wire

Last you need a new relay to replace the 3 pin flasher with a 4 pin with a c2 connector on it.

So dash out. Add the new contact to the dash connector at position 26. Insert bulb in space 9 on board then run the wire down to the fuse box and put the new spade in the top empty slot to connect to c2 where the relay came out.
Put new relay in and tell tail now works
You will need to drop the fuse box, remove the dash and take the drivers vent out. But in all honesty a hours spannering.
Hope this helps others.