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Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 4:59 pm
by RMC-Pete
The price of insurance is actually ridiculous, I am now 17 and have done a series of quotes:
August 09 (before I was 17) - £1600

October 09 (When I was 17) - £2300

December 09 (When I passed my test) - £2500

May 2010 (Now) - £3000

These are all quotes on the exact same 93 corsa 1.2ls, and as for how they want to charge me more 5 months after I have passed my test, also I have 18 months NCB on motorbikes which no one seems to care about. If anyone knows a cheap company please don't hesitate to reply because I am only a student and my mother can't work as she had cancer so we are not what you call rich, my only income is £30 a week EMA for going to college and sometimes £30 - £40 on a thursday if I am needed.


Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 7:03 pm
by matty101
there never cheap mate, im paying 2300 or sumit. im 17 with a 1.2

when u check your quotes are you using the comparison sites?

wot they do is, every time you previous quote expires and you get a new one they bump the price up abit. i found this out when i was looking for quotes.

way to get round it is, use a different email address, i have 4 now :lol:

also the price depends on the time of the month too.

best to get it at the end of the month imo


Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 7:07 pm
by wolfie15
adrian flux are a good insurance company.
when i wo 17 my insurance was £2500 with tesco, i didnt know about adrian flux then, and my mate has just passed and he is with adrian flux and his insurance is £2000
give them a try, they knocked more than £1000 off mine after my first year :D


Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 7:14 pm
i was paying 1200 when i was 17 with directline


Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 5:29 pm
by MattySAFC
Im with directline and payin £1080 and with directline as a named driver TPF&T.
I've heard admiral are good aswell though


Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:15 pm
by woodzy
:O lucky yous mines 3400 no crashes or claims ;'(